The Malaysian Society of Ophthalmologist (MSO) Research Grants are aimed at supporting original research projects in the field of Ophthalmology in Malaysia. The research must be conducted in Malaysia.
Who can apply?
Applications are open to all MSO members in good standing. Consideration shall be given to the originality and importance of research. Each application shall also be considered according to the career stage, track record and experience. Each principal investigator is limited to one application, but there are no limits to applications as a co-investigator. Priority shall be given to projects which are not funded by any other funding bodies, and had not received any MSO funds.
How much is awarded?
The research grant will be awarded to the amount of up to RM5000.00. The committee reserves the right to award an amount deemed reasonable to carry out the proposed research.
What are the conditions?
What does the grant cover?
The grants are meant only to provide supplemental funding to support the running costs of a research project for a period of 12 months. It shall cover rental/consumables/domestic travel for purpose of research. Projects included in this grant can be clinical, experimental (lab-based or animal work), epidemiology and other ophthalmology-related research projects.
What is not covered by the grant?
Grants cannot be used for salary, allowances, travel for meeting/conferences, attendance at meetings, publication costs or purchasing of equipments such as electronic devices.
When is the deadline?
Grants are normally available twice a year. Applications received between March and August will be assessed in September, and those received between September and February will be assessed in March. Successful applicants will be notified by email.
Ethical approval:
Funding will not be provided without the necessary ethical approval, if appropriate, please include a copy with your application. All clinical and animal experimental research must be accompanied with ethical approval.
How do I apply?
Download the Application Form. The application form must be countersigned by the institution where the research will be undertaken and it will be responsible for administering the funds. Submit two copies of the signed and completed application form to:
MSO Research Grant secretariat
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