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The Malaysian Society of Ophthalmology is proud to present the BOSS MSCRS Cataract Video Festival 2021 which will be held virtually for the second time.

IMPORTANT: MSO members do not need to register to attend BOSS MSCRS Cataract Video Festival 2021. All you need to do is log in to your MSO member portal to join the Festival on 11-December-2021!

Please check your MSO membership status before the Festival date. You must join or renew your MSO membership in order to access the BOSS MSCRS Cataract Video Festival 2021. Click here for MSO membership information.

If you have questions regarding your membership, please contact MSO by email at admin@mso.org.my.

*All members (except Life members) must ensure their annual membership fees are current, to be eligible for BOSS MSCRS Cataract Video Festival 2021.